Friday, August 27, 2010

Swanson Residence - Addition & Remodel

The tub and all plumbing fixtures have been installed in the master bathroom. Yes, it's fully functional! The TV has not yet been installed and we're also waiting on the backsplash around the tub deck. The backsplash will be solid stone to match the tub deck and will be 6" high. Pouring in light from above is the remote control skylight. This thing is awesome. It provides ventilation as well as light throughout the entire bathroom. From closed to fully open takes about 30 seconds.

The kitchen tile was installed today. The images show the running bond stone netted tile in place, but not grouted. The installers will be back tomorrow to finish everything up. Check out the glass mosaic above the Monogram burner!

Exterior stucco has had the final application applied. Over time the colors will appear a bit darker and eventually will match the existing.

Remaining items to complete include carpet, landscaping, fence, the deck stairs and then moving in all the furniture.

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